Monday, January 07, 2008

More Benny Drama...

The drama that my sweet Benny brings to our house continued today. Let me just set the stage. I was in Evan's room changing his diaper when I heard the dogs running up and down the hall getting a little rowdy. Now, they know that rough-housing is not allowed in the house, so I was a little agitated. I finished up with Evan, and stormed out of his room to put throw them outside. However, as soon as I left his room, I noticed bloody footprints in the hallway...and then in the entryway...and into the dining room. I put the dogs outside, and looked to see who was bleeding. You guessed it - Benny. His back right paw had blood all over it. I left them outside, figuring the snow would be good for his paw to stop the bleeding. Then I went to asses the damage. The footprints went through the house, and into our room, and ON OUR BED. Eew!! That is the only furniture the dogs are allowed on (because they sleep with us), and while they were wrestling they ended up on the bed. So, I got to spend the next 45 minutes cleaning up blood. (I used Oxi Clean and oh my word, it was AMAZING!!) I finally looked closely at his foot, and being the detective that I am, and following the "bloody trail", I think I think I figured out what happened. He and Daisy were wrestling in the dining room and he jammed his foot against the wall which broke his toenail way farther down than it should be. He apparently didn't really care, so they continued to wrestle all through the house.

Mystery solved. And the house is cleaned up again...until next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your stories...and the Benny drama is too funny....of course, its not funny in the moment, but its funny now! :) When we were moving back here, Earl jumped out of the moving truck we were riding in...the steps were like grates and his toenail got caught and the WHOLE thing pulled out from the socket. It was a nightmare! It bled for awhile. It was horrible and I felt so bad. Anyways, it ended up getting infected and he had to be on medicine and stuff. HOLY COW. I will never forget that....Benny story reminded me. Oh the things we do for the sweet puppies we love! Hope yall are having a great day! Cant wait to see you....17 more days!
Love, Beth