Friday, May 11, 2012

So I've been thinking....

    .....after a few years of being MIA, I think it's time to start blogging again.  I know, I know...don't pass out.  Not really at all because I have anything very important or profound to say, but because I LOVE how blogs act as a scrapbook.  I am such and old family movie/picture person.  Looking back at old albums can bring a flood of memories back that I would have otherwise forgotten about.  And I love looking back and seeing what the boys were doing years ago.  Plus, I was talking to a friend who is a blogger, and she said it is super easy now to turn your blog into a scrapbook at the end of ever year.  Even better!!  And you may remember the other blog I switched to on Word Press, well....I'm done with that one. :)  I guess you can't teach THIS old dog new tricks because it totally confused me.
   So right here, right now - I am starting over!  I will not be a daily blogger - that's for sure.  But I will try to keep up every now an then.  Let the memories begin!!

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