Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The cold has struck again...

For the last few days, I have been feeling a little under the weather. Yes, for the second time this season, I have caught "the cold". Now, it's never fun to be sick, but I have decided it is significantly worse when you are pregnant (because the medicines you can take are limited) AND have a small child running around the house. I can't just curl up in bed and rest when I need to. It's limited to Evan's short nap schedule. And for some reaosn he has been Mr. Energy lately. I really can't complain much because this cold has been pretty mild compared to some, but I have decided it's no fun for Evan, or me really when I'm sick. Hopefully I will kick this soon, and things will get back to normal.


Terri said...

Aw, Steph :( I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

ditto! hope you feel better soon.
miss you,
beth and carson :)